Who Can Benefit from an Ion Foot Cleanse?

Ion Foot Cleanse
Body Spa Treatments
Detox Spa Facial Massage

Those Afflicted with:

v     Cellulite

v     Yeast, Fungus

v     Anxiety

v     Constipation

v     Lethargy and Tiredness

v     Digestive Disorders, Unassimilated Protein, Poor Diets

v     High Blood Pressure

v     Uric Acid

v     Plaque

v     Excessive Lactic Acid (athletes)

 v    Cholesterol Deposits

v     Multiple Sclerosis

v    Heavy Metal or Chemical Toxicity

v     Pain

v     Fatigue and/or Burnout

v     Allergies, Sinus Problems, Asthma, Hay Fever

v     Severe Stress and Worry

v     Poor Skin, Blemished or Congested

v     Obesity

v     Poor Circulation

v     Bad Breath and Body Odor

v    Migraines, Headaches

What to Expect from Your Ion Foot Cleanse Sessions

v   Arthritis

v     Edema

v     Diabetes

v     Kidney Problems

v     Liver Problems

v     Autism

v     ADD/ADHD

v     An Accident Recovery

v     Drugs and Anesthetics

v     The Flu or Cold

v     Smoking Problems

v     Alcohol Problems

v     Lack of Exercise


All rights reserved, © 2006-2020 Naturel Vitality Last Update: 04/22/20